Aircraft Maintenance Technology

AUG 2011

The aircraft maintenance professional's source for technological advancements, maintenance alerts, news, articles, events, and careers

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2011 NBAA MAINTENANCE PREVIEW audit options; and how to set up a system for ongoing OSHA compliance. NBAA Connecting Your Aircraft with Satellite Communications: the Equipment Providers 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. Presented by: Elizabeth Young, Aero industry consultant A business aircraft can communicate air to ground almost everywhere in the world, thanks to satellite-based systems. Find out what you need to get connected. NBAA Certified Aviation Manager (CAM) Program Update 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Moderated by: Scott Rose, CAM Governing Board Chair, Pepsico; and Dr. Guy Smith, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University This session will cover how to prepare for the CAM exam and become a Certified Aviation Manager. Topics covered include: qualifying and completing the CAM application, studying for the exam and what to expect when sitting for the exam. Bring your questions to this discussion, as you consider taking your career to the next level. For questions or further information, contact NBAA’s Jay Evans at NBAA Meet the Regulators 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. Join NBAA and senior FAA leadership for a discussion about the effect of FAA’s recent reau- thorization, current issues and agency priorities, and emerging trends for 2012. Bombardier Operational Roundtable - Pilot Session 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. Honeywell TPE331, TFE731 & HTF 7000 M&O; 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Cessna Citation 750 Series M&O; 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. NBAA Aircraft Tire Pressure 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. Presented by: Keat Pruszenski, Michelin Aircraft Tire Company Division In 2008, poor aircraft tire infla- tion led to all four main landing gear tires on an aircraft failing during the takeoff roll causing four fatalities. Join us to hear directly from a tire manufacturer why tire pressure monitoring and mainte- Distributor of AN, MS, NAS Hardware & Electrical Components General and Commercial Aviation/Aerospace and Defense Cage Code: 0WTF7 Products $LUFUDIW :LUH  $LUORF )DVWHQHUV  %HDULQJV  %ROWV $1 06 1$6  %XOEV  %XVKLQJV  &DEOH; +DUGZDUH  &DPORFV;  &DSOXJV;  &XUWLV; 'UDLQ 9DOYHV  'ULOO %LWV  &KHUU;\ 5LYHWV  &LUFXLW; %UHDNHUV  &ODPSV;  &OHYLV; %ROWV 3LQV  &RWWHU; 3LQV YLVLW ZZZ HFDVLQF FRP )RU D FRPSOHWH OLVW RI RXU LQYHQWRU\  ']XV )DVWHQHUV  )LWWLQJV  )XVHV  *DVNHWV  *URPPHWV 0HOERXUQH )/ 3K (DVW 'ULYH  +L /RNV &ROODUV;  +LQJHV  +RVH &ODPSV;  ,QVHUWV  1XWV $1 06 1$6  1XWSODWHV  2 5LQJV s /DV 9HJDV 19  )D[ 3LORW 5RDG For our 2010-2012 catalog, contact us at: Visit us at NBAA Booth #N6214 • • Aircraft Maintenance Technology Fall 2011 A11  3DLQWV  3XOOH\V  5LYHWV  5LQJ 7HUPLQDOV  6DIHW\ :LUH  6FUHZV  6RXWKFR )DVWHQHUV ,62  6SDFHUV  6SLUDO :UDS  6ZLWFKHV  7LQQHUPDQ 3URGXFWV  7RROLQJ  7XUQEXFNOH +DUGZDUH  :DVKHUV &HUW; CERT-0033899 &HUWLILHG;

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