Aircraft Maintenance Technology

AUG 2011

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2011 NBAA MAINTENANCE PREVIEW Objective: Ops 4. A separate pay- ment, which includes registra- tion for the NBAA Convention, is required for the two-day course. Registration fee: Member: $895; Non-Member: $1,045. NBAA PDP Course: Highly Effective Teams at Work Presented by: ServiceElements 7:30 a.m. - 8 a.m. Registration & A view of the exhibitors and attendees at NBAA 2010. NBAA2011 Schedule SATURDAY, OCT. 8 NBAA PDP Course: Enhancing Productivity Through Business Aviation Presented by: Aviation Training Solutions 7:30 a.m. - 8 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Course This course will focus on the value-added solution that is business aviation. Attendees will learn the value of business aviation and methods to present this value to company personnel via marketing, proposals, presentations, and more. Meets NBAA PDP Objective: BM1. A separate payment, which includes registration for the NBAA Convention, is required for this one-day course. Registration fee: Member: $495; Non-Member: $645. NBAA PDP Course: Introduction to Aviation Safety Management System (Day 1 of 2) Presented by: Global Jet Services 7:30 a.m. - 8 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Course This two-day course is designed to raise awareness of A6 Fall 2011 and familiarize attendees with the benefits of aviation safety management systems (SMS). The course will provide aviation managers, chief pilots, mainte- nance chiefs, chief inspectors, quality managers, line supervi- sors, and others within the flight department or the maintenance repair station environment with simplified guidance mate- rial for establishing and maintaining and effective SMS within the organiza- tion environment. Meets NBAA PDP Objective: Ops 4. A separate payment, which includes registration for the NBAA Convention, is required for the two-day course. Registration fee: Member: $895; Non-Member: $1,045. SUNDAY, OCT. 9 NBAA PDP Course: Introduction to Aviation Safety Management System (Day 2) Presented by: Global Jet Services 7:30 a.m. - 8 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Course See details on Saturday, Day One of Course. Meets NBAA PDP Aircraft Maintenance Technology • • Continental Breakfast 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Course This course is designed to get participants to think differently about teams and how they work. It introduces several new motivational concepts that can enhance team work, such as finding talent through a strength- based philosophy, diversity, AMT Editor Ron Donner at NBAA 2010. mutualism, and inclusion. Project management, which requires teamwork to be effective, will be used as the application example. This course is highly interactive and includes videos, role-playing, breakout sessions, and group discussion. Meets NBAA PDP Objective: BM4. A separate payment, which includes registration for the NBAA Convention, is required for the course. Registration fee: Member: $495; Non-Member: $645.

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