Aircraft Maintenance Technology

AUG 2011

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CAREER DEVELOPMENT learned and applying it to their day-to-day jobs. That is where the improvements will happen,” says Rick Klein, STAR4D program manager at the IWRC. The hands-on portion of training is important. Being able to practice the techniques learned through classroom and using VirtualPaint helps to rein- force concepts. generated by reducing the amount of overspray from spray painting operations. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) are very hazardous to the technician’s health and the environment. Being able to reduce these emissions not only means a more environmentally friendly process, but could Exceptional Appearance FROM TOPCOAT... TO BOTTOM LINE™ Sherwin-Williams Aerospace proudly introduces the SKYscapes® basecoat-clearcoat paint system that saves time and money — imagine being able to cut as much as 30% from your painting process time — and eliminating most bake cycles. Plus, it still provides the superior appearance and durability that the aviation industry expects from Sherwin-Williams. Three requirements to passing the STAR4D certification are: first, technicians must pass a written evaluation with at least an 80 percent score. Then a passing score of 75 percent on VirtualPaint training lessons is required, and finally the ability to apply primer and topcoat to manufacturer recommended specifications. The certification lasts for one year before recertification is required. Environmental implications Aside from improving a facility’s product line, painter training can also have a great impact on the environmental implications of the coating process, with the biggest being the reduction of air emissions help facilities with regulatory requirements and permits. Improving the overall process and reducing the amount of material used also has other effects on the environment. Fewer spray booth filters end up in the landfill and fewer wasted coatings need to be disposed of reducing the cost of hazardous waste disposal. Increasing the spray painter’s efficiency to be less wasteful and more environmentally friendly not only benefits the technicians and environment, but can also save money for the company. Branching out from military STAR4D has worked with Air Force facilities like the 185th Air • • Aircraft Maintenance Technology August 2011 23 ASK

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