Aircraft Maintenance Technology

AUG 2011

The aircraft maintenance professional's source for technological advancements, maintenance alerts, news, articles, events, and careers

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CAREER DEVELOPMENT panies will task us with finding individuals who have gone that extra step and are involved with aviation beyond their normal work scope. AMT: How often do you find a four-year college degree being required? JP: Most Fortune 500 companies prefer their candidates/new-hires to have a four-year degree. These companies are looking for individu- als who want to grow and advance themselves throughout their career. AMT: What do most companies want these days relating to soft- skills, like use of computers, per- sonal interaction with others, etc? JP: This is typically client spe- cific; however, computer skills are high on the list as well as people skills. An individual needs to Fargo Jet Center aircraft main- tenance profesionals at work inspecting a business jet. Photo provided by Fargo Jet Center. be able to communicate on all levels and with all types from line personnel to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. AMT: Does your compa- ny find it difficult to source the right candidate? JP: Occasionally it can be chal- lenging and we are always up to a challenge. AMT: Is it your experience there are many times more possible candidates out there than there are vacant positions? JP: Yes, and that is why one needs to broaden and sharpen their skill set. AMT: Does the aircraft mainte- nance technician have the ability to negotiate terms such as salary, benefits, vacation time, or do you see potential employers holding tough on these things? JP: It is client specific and we have negotiated salary, signing bonuses, and vacation on the can- didate’s behalf. Most clients are receptive to negotiation. SPECIAL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE  6"&%! ;"&* 6C9 J"' 6K>DC>8H HNHI:BH  :A:8IG>86A HNHI:BH  6:GDHE68: EGDEJAH>DC  6>G7DGC: B>HH>DC HNHI:BH  AEROSPACE MAINTENANCE  AIRCRAFT HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS  I68I>86A 6>G8G6;I B6>CI:C6C8:  6>G8G6;I :A:8IG>86A 6C9 :CK>GDCB:CI6A HNHI:BH  6>G8G6;I B:I6AH I:8=CDADCI:C6C8:  AIRCRAFT STRUCTURAL MAINTENANCE  B6>CI:C6C8: B6C6<:B:CI EGD9J8I>DC  6>G8G6;I 6GB6B:CI HNHI:BH  AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEMS  ;A><=I :C<>C::G  6K>DC>8H I:HI HI6I>DC 6C9 8DBEDC:CIH  867A: 6C9 6CI:CC6 HNHI:BH  8DBEJI:G HNHI:BH EGDC<  :A:8IG>86A EDL:G EGD9J8I>DC  6>G8G:L :CI:DC>8H HNHI:BH LOW OBSERVABLE AIRCRAFT STRUCTURAL MAINTENANCE  6>G8G6;I 6GB6B:CI HNHI:BH  B6>CI:C6C8: B6C6<:B:CI 6C6ANH>H  HE:8>6A K:=>8A: B6>CI:C6C8:  :C<>C::G>C<  :MEADH>K: DG9C6C8: 9>HEDH6A  HELICOPTER/TILTROTOR MAINTENANCE  ;>G: EGDI:8I>DC  8DB76I 8DCIGDA  HE:8IGJB DE:G6I>DCH  G; IG6CHB>HH>DC HNHI:BH  6>G8G6;I :A:8IG>86A 6C9 :CK>GDCB:CI6A HNHI:BH  =:6AI= H:GK>8:H B6C6<:B:CI  =>HIDG>6C  >C";A><=I MECHANICS WANTED  :FJ6A DEEDGIJC>IN  The hottest opportunities. Hands down. Free credits through the Community College of the Air Force and specialized training that can lead to certifi cations and licenses. Up to $20,000 in signing bonuses available (for specifi c part-time jobs) Bdci\dbZgn <> 7^aa  Edhi".$&& <> 7^aa  Ij^i^dc 6hh^hiVcXZ Egd\gVb  HijYZci AdVc GZeVnbZci Egd\gVb Low-cost TRICARE® ]ZVai] VcY YZciVa ^chjgVcXZ  Cd"Xdhi gZi^gZbZci eaVch HZgkZ XadhZ id ]dbZ l]Zc ndj _d^c! ndj Ydc¼i ]VkZ id gZadXViZ IVm"[gZZ h]dee^c\ Vi 7M 8dbb^hhVgn 1.800.257.1212 12 August 2011 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

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